Payment gateway to process credit card transactions.

Project Marketing Components:

  • Logo Design
  • Mascot/Character Design
  • Brand Design
  • Identity Design
  • Website Design
  • UI/UX Reasearch and Design
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Print Design
  • Trade Show Design

    Project Description:

    The journey of crafting a brand identity that truly stands out in today’s competitive credit card processing market began as a project for NMI. Executives broke away from NMI to start Fluidpay another payment processing company. Both projects were very similar given the success of the the NMI marketing. The project encompassed a total integrated marketing campaign hitting every touchpoint.

    For the Fluidpay Logo Design, research was done by delving deep into the company’s soul, understanding its target audience, and the ever-changing trends in its industry. The logo needed to be high-tech and fluid. A storm of creativity was unleashed, refining countless concepts until we struck gold. A logo that not only mirrors the company’s core values but also speaks volumes to its audience across all touchpoints.

    Injecting personality into a brand is no easy feat, but, this challenge was tackled head-on. The result is a charming Fluid water drop mascot/character embodying the brand’s spirit, connecting with customers, forging strong connections and boosting brand recognition.

    Consistency is king when it comes to visual identity. From color schemes to typography, every element must sing in harmony. Consistent, yet fluid, brand guidelines were developed and ensured that every design choice reinforces the brand’s identity and leaves a lasting impression on consumers.

    The website serves as the gateway to a brand’s universe. The website was designed not just a pretty face but a seamless blend of aesthetics and functionality. Teaming up with brilliant web developers and UX/UI designers, online experience was crafted that not only showcases the brand’s offerings but also captivates visitors and drives conversions.

    With a rock-solid brand identity in place, sights were set on conquering the marketing strategy. Armed with insights from market research and consumer behavior analysis, a comprehensive strategy was devised, tailored to the  brand’s goals and target audience. From traditional print campaigns to cutting-edge digital initiatives, no stone was left unturned for maximum reach and impact and a generous marketing budget.

    For social media, content was created that not only resonates with our audience but also sparks genuine connections and advocacy. Through strategic storytelling and captivating visuals, social media platforms were turned into powerful amplifiers of the brand’s message.

    In a world saturated with content and countless payment gateways, the content had to stand out. The content marketing strategy revolved around delivering value-packed, shareable content across various channels—from blog posts to videos, infographics, and podcasts. By diversifying the content formats, audiences were engaged and drove organic traffic to new levels.

    Of course, no modern marketing strategy is complete without a robust digital component. From SEO and PPC advertising to email campaigns and influencer partnerships, Fluidpay leveraged every digital tactic in the book to expand the brand’s online footprint and drive measurable results.

    The power of print advertising was not forgotten! In strategic alignment with the digital efforts, print materials, were crafted, that left a tangible mark on consumers, from brochures and flyers to billboards and direct mail campaigns. By seamlessly integrating print with digital, a holistic brand experience was ensured.

    In the ever-evolving world of branding and marketing, crafting a cohesive brand identity is no small feat. By aligning every element of our brand’s visual identity and marketing initiatives, a narrative was created that resonated with Fluidpay’s audience and paved the way for long-term growth and success